The majority of modelers work alone, because making a model is a very individual task and we need absolute concentration. It’s better if we can work at night because it’s easier to concentrate. Still we need companionship. What better companion for a lonesome modeler working at night than a cat?

Our family got our cat, our beautiful, majestic and sweet cat. He arrived right as I started working on the B-17 nine years ago, when this kitten adopted us. He left while I was working on the OS2U floats. After nine wonderful, happy, loving years, Mishi, our beloved Maine Coon cat, died of brain cancer in December 10, 2007.

I'm thankful for the endless hours of companionship, especially during the long nights at my work bench, always sitting next to me. Our family is thankful for all the beautiful sensations and feeling of happiness that this awesome creature brought into our life.

We made the decision to euthanize Mishi allowing him die in peace, in dignity, without pain. He died in our hands, while we hugged him. His ashes remain in my studio. Like always, he is still "sitting" next to me.

Thank you very much for everything, little angel, and thank you for sharing our time, our space and our life. We miss and love you very much!

For all the lost and departed pets of the world,

Clarisa, Roy and Guillermo

Mishi, the Modeler Cat